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This essay sheds light on what are antinutrients, demystifies the dangers and health effects of consuming foods that are high in antinutrients, elucidates how to minimize your antinutrient intake when eating antinutrient-rich foods, and reveals the different types of food groups that are high in antinutrients. Unbeknownst to most people, there are an exorbitant amount of disparate types of foods that are replete with antinutrients. The pervasive presence of antinutrients in foods that are replete with antinutrients debases the nutritional values of foods that are high in antinutrients. If foods that are replete with antinutrients were devoid of antinutrients, then it would ameliorate their nutritional values. Antinutrients are plant compounds which are able to severely undermine the vessel's ability to absorb nutrients. In other words, the absorption of certain nutrients is significantly undermined in the vessel when you devour foods that are replete with antinutrients. The pervasive presence of antinutrients in foods can significantly undermine the nutritional value of a meal since it culminates in far less nutrients being assimilated into the vessel than they otherwise would be if the antinutrients did not pervade the foods that are replete with antinutrients. There are a myriad of different types of antinutrients. Some of the disparate types of antinutrients encompass "phytic acid, tannins, lectins, protease inhibitors, saponins, and oxalates". Some of the additional types of antinutrients encompass "trypsin inhibitors and goitrogens". Some of the surfeit of food groups that antinutrients are pervasive in encompass whole grains, legumes, nuts, unfermented soy products, and seeds. Whole grains, legumes, nuts, unfermented soy products, and seeds are not subsumed under a longevity-promoting, salubrious, wholesome, heart-healthy, kidney-healthy, anticancer, nutrient-dense, alkaline, antioxidant-rich, anti-glycation, anti-inflammatory, raw fruitarian diet.